How to Build an A-Frame The iconic rural getaway digs, an A-frame home is a low-cost, simple and sturdy structure that sports elegant soaring ceilings and can include a cozy loft. Whether you want to build a sophisticated chalet, a low-key rustic retreat or the off-the-grid home you’ve long dreamt about, “Cabins & Cottages” has the know-how you need to get started confidently and finish beautifully. This detailed, color-illustrated guide pilots you through all of the pre-building considerations, such as assessing and preparing your site, and then lays out step-by-step instructions for fashioning four structures: a classic log cabin, an A-frame cabin, a cottage of prefab panels, and a house suspended on poles. You’ll also learn how to equip your new lodging with heat, running water and all of the other comforts of home. COVER: FOX CHAPEL PUBLISHING The following is an excerpt from Cabins & Cottages (Fox Chapel Publishing, 2011). Rea...