8 Essential Habits for Effective Writing | Cross River Realtor
When it comes to blogging we all know that content is king and keeping things updated is the number one priority. But how do you do that when you (at times literally) have a monkey on your back? Between children, coworkers, construction, and other c words that stand for chaos, it is a wonder we can get anything written at all. This is when you need to develop some habits that create calm and order in the middle of mayhem. Here are some tips on how to stay productive and writing, even when you have confusion knocking on your door: 1. Pick off times to write It might be early in the morning, late in the afternoon or even in the middle of the night. You know when it is in your life. That time when everything seems to settle down for a little while, or right before it gets started all over again. If you can find this ‘prime time’ and get writing, you will be a lot more productive. This might mean that you get up before everyone else, but so be it. If early morning is not you...