US Population Grows 10% - South and West Grow Most | Pound Ridge Real Estate
The U.S. Census Bureau on Tuesday released the first results from the 2010 census. It showed there are 308.74 million Americans, an increase of 27 million or 9.7 percent since 2000.
About 13 million of the increase is new immigrants, while 17 million came from births by existing residents. Nearly 80 percent of the population growth was among minority families, with Hispanics registering the biggest gains.
Most of the population growth is in the South and West. The 10 fastest-growing states had average population gains of 21 percent. The states were:
1. Nevada
2. Arizona
3. Utah
4. Idaho
5. Texas
6. North Carolina
7. Georgia
8. Florida
9. Colorado
10. South Carolina
States with slower growth included Ohio, New York, and Illinois. Michigan was the only state that actually lost population.