1. Historic gay wedding ceremonies take place
On Sunday, July 24, the first day gay couples that could receive marriage licenses under the Marriage Equality Act did so at Town Hall in Greenburgh. Among the 12 couples were Jeanine Bartley-Cohen, center, and her spouse, Robin Bartley-Cohen, who live in South Salem. Read more about the ceremony
here, and their wedding announcement, featured in this weekend's
New York Times.
2. Deduct job search expenses
According to the Internal Revenue Service, many taxpayers spend time during the summer months updating their résumé and attending career fairs—some of the expenses associated with these activities are deductible on tax returns. To qualify for a deduction, the expenses must be spent on a job search in your current occupation. You may not deduct expenses you incur while looking for a job in a new occupation. To find out more, visit
www.irs.gov or call 800-TAX-FORM
3. Friends of Karen golf outing
Coldwell Banker of Yorktown is hosting the Fifth Annual Golf Outing to support
Friends of Karen, the organization dedicated to serving critically-ill children and their families. Included are 18 holes of golf, greens and cart fees, practice range, lunch, dinner and networking for $225. If you only plan to attend the dinner, the cost is $75. For more information contact Michael O'Connor at
M1Oconnor@aol.com or 914-245-3400.
4. Harry Potter fans can take in a Quidditch Match
For all muggles and wizards bemoaning the end of the Harry Potter book and film series, a live
Quidditch Match just may give you an HP fix for the day. Plus, fresh baked goods will be sold during the match to benefit the
Bedford Hills library. We'll see you there at 4 p.m. at the
Bedford Hills Elementary School.
5. Patch picks events for the week
Looking for fantastic things to do this week in the area? Check out our
video cast of this week's suggestions, including the
Bedford Village Fire Department Parade this Friday night at 7 p.m.