How To Use Pinterest’s Bold New Look | Bedford Corners Real Estate

As we pass the halfway point of 2013, Pinterest’s rapid growth shows no signs of abating.How to Use Pinterests Bold New Look
According to Reuters, Pinterest has amassed 48.7 million users since its inception three years ago and a study by SimplyMeasured reveals that 69 of the world’s top 100 brands now have Pinterest accounts.
Hot on the heels of the Pinterest business-focused rollouts that we covered earlier, namely account verificationbusiness pages, and the new web analytics tool,  there have been a flurry of updates in recent weeks that have left many business owners scratching their heads. So if you’re feeling a tad confused about Pinterest’s new look and its rich pins, you are not alone.
Here’s a whirlwind tour of the key features of both updates and some pointers on how to use them for your business.

#1. Navigating Pinterest’s New Look

Pinterest has been testing its new look since the beginning of the year but the fact that it isn’t permanent yet is telling.
When the new design first launched Pinterest received a flood of complaints from pinners for removing many of their favorite features, notably Mentions and the Pinned By feature that let you see who had pinned that item.
Many users were disgruntled that they could no longer see the pinning chain and felt that Pinterest was making it harder for them to connect with others.
Pinterest promptly did a U-turn and reintroduced some of the most popular features.
The new look is still being tweaked so certain functions don’t work quite as well as they should. You are not obliged to adopt the new look (yet), but each time you log in, Pinterest will nudge you with this reminder: 
Pinterest 10
Remember, once you hit Get It Now you won’t be able to revert back to the old look.

Why The New Look?

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