Chappaqua NY Real Estate Market Report | November 2010 | RobReportBlog
Ninety-six (96) Chappaqua NY Homes are currently available in the market. The Median Price of an unsold Chappaqua NY Home is $1,064,000. The low price is $414,000 and the high price is $27,500,000. The average home is 3982 square feet, has been on the market 135 days and is asking $394 per foot.
Chappaqua NY real Estate is down 30% over the last three (3) months compared to the same period in 2009. This year there have been eighteen (18) sales with a Median Price of $850,000. The average sold Chappaqua NY Home is 3007 square feet, sold in 169 days and sold for $326 per foot. The average selling price for a Chappaqua NY Home is 92.88% of asking price.
In 2009 the average Chappaqua NY Homes was 3204 square feet, sold in 201 days and sold for $294 per foot. The average 2009 selling price was 93.37% of asking price.