South Salem NY Real Estate Market Report | November 2010 | RobReportBlog
There are ninety (90) South Salem NY Homes currently available. This is nineteen (19) months of inventory at the current sales pace. The high unsold South Salem NY Home is $9,825,000 and the low is $269,000. The Median Price for an unsold South Salem NY Home is $749,000. The average size is 3021 square feet and is asking $307 per foot.
Over the last three (3) months fourteen (14) homes have sold. This is a 27.2% increase over the same period in 2009. The Median Price for a sold South Salem NY Home is $425,750. The average home took 229 days to sell, is 2381 square feet and sold at $203 per foot. The average South Salem NY Home sold at 91.50% of asking price.
In 2009 eleven (11) South Salem NY Homes sold in the same three month period. The Median Price was $512,500, took 146 days to sell and sold for $258 per foot. The average size for a sold South Salem NY Home as 2616 and sold at 89.37% of asking price.
South Salem NY Homes
South Salem Luxury Homes