'Satsang' and its Insane Indoor Pool Ask $20M in SoCal | Armonk Real Estate
Location: Yorba Linda, Calif.
Price: $20,000,000
The Skinny: Apologies to the listing, but if you're looking for an "architectural masterpiece", move along, nothing to see here. If, however, you're looking for the best SoCal trainwreck since this rough beast slouched toward La Quinta, waiting to be sold, step right up and behold Satsang. This truly amazing home, which looks sort of like Richard Meier had a nightmare wherein a circa-1988 Glendale Galleria swallowed a YMCA natatorium and then passed out in exhaustion on a hill in Orange County as it tried to drag its chrome-and-glass bricked carcass to freedom in Mexico, contains multitudes. Highlights include the very finest Hampton Inn-surplus carpet, a bathroom containing what could either be a settee or a Love Toilet, and a collection of furniture that possesses all the style and élan of a dozen Paas Easter eggs. And then there's the pool, which is enclosed in a cavernous space whose ceiling is painted like the sky, and which at night is illuminated like the interior of a prom night limo. All this can be had for the asking price of $20M, which also includes a grand ballroom and a private elevator.