9 tools to help you measure mobile analytics | North Salem Realtor

Measuring your startup’s Web analytics seems complicated enough. But with the rise of mobile-only users and visitors, there’s an added layer of complexity for startups to consider.
To figure out which tools are robust enough to handle both, I asked a panel of 9 successful entrepreneurs the following question:

Are you actively measuring mobile analytics? What tools or resources are helping your company analyze mobile vs. overall analytics?

Their answers are below:
Danny Boice 9 tools to help you measure mobile analytics1. Segment.io
We use Segment.io so that we can track analytics in a number of tools: Google Analytics,Mixpanel and KISSmetrics. We only have to implement the tracking of events on time from a development perspective this way. We tend to use Mixpanel to segment out the difference in usage between native mobile and Web browser usage across our user base.

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