Creative Approaches to Video Storytelling for Brands | Pound Ridge Realtor
Our first panel at the ReelSEO Video Marketing Summit was called “Creative Storytelling for Brands: Content Strategies that Resonate.” It starred Reed Lucas, Director of Channel Management at Channel Factory, who sponsored the panel, CJ Bruce, founder of New Antics, who moderated. The panel included Clayton Talmon de l’Armée, director and video producer at Salesforce, Peter Caban, Chairman of Mekanism, Zach Blume, partner and managing director of Portal A, and Chris Gorell Barnes, founder and CEO of Adjust Your Set.
Some highlights (many responses here have been edited and revised):
On coming up with ideas to produce:
Barnes: How do you get the best ROI…we try to look for relevance. Context with the content. Find a way to get people talking about the product without overly mentioning the product. What kind of problems are keeping your audience awake at night, and does your product solve that problem? Creating stories around that. We try to get our clients to think more like a publisher, rather than an advertiser.
On whether they use focus groups:
Caban: Definitely not. When we do comedy and content , you just don’t want to see the humor get watered down. To do it to find an insight with a demographic you don’t understand, it can be valuable. So more for insights, rather than creative.
Bedford New York Real Estate | Bedford NY Homes by Robert Paul Realtor » Blog Archive » Creative Approaches to Video Storytelling for Brands | Pound Ridge Realtor