Housing recovery continues to heat up | Bedford Corners Real Estate
Despite all odds against the housing recovery, the market is steadily improving and housing experts do not expect the sector to lose its momentum any time soon.
Regardless of an inadequately housing supply, rising home prices reacting to strong demand and difficult lending environment, market expectations remain bullish on housing.
Nonetheless, housing is in its early stages of recovery and panelists at the Bipartisan Policy Center’s conference believe it’s not time for the Federal Reserve to take their foot off the bond-buying gas pedal just yet.
“There is a cyclical and structural nature to the problem,” explained Paul Weech of Housing Partnership Network.
He added, “We haven’t solved for the underlying structural problem and if we revert back to the norm, we still have millions of homes trying to get back in the full market recovery.”
One of the major factors still impacting the housing market is underwriting standards.
Fannie Mae senior vice president and chief economist Doug Duncan pointed out that there is a high correlation between the business cycle and the credit cycle, which will ultimately lead to an established fixed floor of the credit box.
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