Secure more real estate leads on Facebook | Bedford NY Realtor

Facebook news feeds are like the crawl on CNN. You’ve seen the scrolling words on your TV screen. Item after item after item that are “nice to knows” until there is breaking news. Then, we get a big “BREAKING NEWS” in red that hooks us in.
The job of real estate salesperson on Facebook is to participate in the mundane while figuring out a way to break through. What’s the big red “BREAKING NEWS” items in your network’s world that will impact you?
This “big news” often includes major lifestyle announcements like getting a new job, announcing a pregnancy, getting engaged/married/divorced and even retiring. These lifestyle announcements occasionally have a direct correlation to housing needs but are sometimes overlooked by real estate professionals.
When someone in your social stream mentions any of these lifestyle triggers they are opening a door of opportunity and you should be prepared to walk right in. To effectively execute this strategy you need to follow these three easy steps:

Bedford New York Real Estate | Bedford NY Homes by Robert Paul Realtor » Blog Archive » Secure more real estate leads on Facebook | Bedford NY Realtor


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