How to Get Others to Do Your Social Media Marketing for Free | Cross River NY Homes

How to Get Others to Do Your Social Media Marketing for Free
Although numerous theories exist on how to make something “go viral,” no scientific study has managed to reach a concrete conclusion yet. One thing is for certain – virality involves having others share your content, posts, or promote your website through their own social profiles.
We live in an era of shares, tweets, retweets, pins and +1s; never has it been easier to express your appreciation for a company or service than it is today. Cracking the code of how to entice social media users to promote your company will result in increased brand awareness by orders of magnitude.
So how do you get other people to do your social media marketing for free?

1. Tagging on Twitter

Twitter’s tagging functionality offers a fantastic way to let thought leaders know that you’re talking about them – and flattery can go a long way. Tagging thought leaders, companies or journalists in your posts can undoubtedly motivate them to promote your company to their social connections going forward.
Prior to carrying out this strategy, do some research first. Ask yourself who your targets are and what type of content and messaging would encourage them to promote your company on social media.
Once you’ve identified the individuals or companies that you’d like to focus on, it’s time to figure out how to connect with them.
Here is an example of this strategy in action:
Write a blog post highlighting the “Top 10” thought leaders in your target market. After creating your well-written post, formulate a tweet wherein you tag each of these thought leaders. Chances are, you won’t be able to fit them all in the same message, so you may have to tweet several times to cover all of the names.



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